An Air Charter Broker may be a company or an individual that serves as an agent in obtaining private aircraft for its customers. Air Charter Advisors is exactly that – we’re a private jet charter broker, and our company is based in the United States.

We are 100% transparent with our charter clients and want you to know upfront that we do not have a fleet of aircraft, nor operate aircraft as a direct or indirect “Air Carrier”.
FAQ: What is a Charter Flight?
Since we do not have the need to offset the cost of owning or operating private aircraft, or spending time with managed aircraft clients, our goal is to locate safe private aircraft for your charter flights, at a competitive price.
This freedom allows us to spend more time searching through our approved vendor network of private aircraft operators that may be willing to reposition or may be transient at a location ready to take on your flight at a lower hourly rate.
All flights that are being arranged by a broker should be operated by a FAR Part 135 or 121 air carrier or foreign equivalent (“Operators”), who shall maintain full operational control of charter flights at all times. Operators providing services must meet FAA or JAR safety requirements.
When the Air Charter Advisors arranges a flight, we separate ourselves from the competition by only selecting the best of the best.
We feel that honesty and transparency are very important, and once your flight is booked – we want you to know who is operating your flight, why we picked them, and the tail number of the aircraft.